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Balinese come in many different colors ranging from the darkest of Seal and Seal tortie, to the lightest colors of Lilac and Fawn.

We can produce males and females in the 4 traditional colors, from darkest to lightest; Seal, chocolate, blue and lilac.

Seal points have very dark , almost black, face, ears, feet, tails, black nose leather and black paw pads. Seals will have darker bodies ranging from some darker smudging down the spine and flanks, up to very dark bodies. 
Chocolate Point
This is the color of the Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp. Chocolates will have dark chocolate color on their faces, ears, feet and tails and dark brown nose leather. Chocolates will have a creamy body that will stay creamier than seal points as they age. 
Blue points are the dilute of seal and will have the same areas of color but their markings will be light gray to steely blue/gray and will have very dark or black nose leather. 
Lilac points are the dilute of chocolate so they will have the similar markings but the color will be very light gray, and will have purplish nose and paw pads (this is where the name for the color came from)
We can also produce males and females in the more exotic colors of Cinnamon and Fawn

Cinnamon points are a much more rare color, they have noses that are the color of a cinnamon stick. They will have reddish brown markings on their face, ears, feet and tails, they will have reddish brown smudging down their back and flanks
Fawn point is the dilute of a cinnamon point so they will be a lighter tanish with similar markings to a cinnamon point, except lighter color.
We can produce female kitties in at least the 4 traditional colors but in Tortie point. We are waiting on genetic testing to know if our new queen can produce Cinnamon and Fawn torties.

ALL Tortie points are female!

Torties will have their main color point but with anything from a few to a ton of spots, speckles, stripes and spots in all the lighter colors including flame and cream.
We can produce male kitties in Flame and Cream
Flame points are creamy colored with orange/red markings including red smudging down their backs and flanks
Cream points are the dilute of flame points and will have the same markings but just lighter intensity NOTE: by the time we sell our kittens it is typically hard to tell the difference between Flame and Cream points, so unless the kitten is obviously one or the other we sell them all as flame points
The pictures shown are for reference only! Every color can vary greatly! For example a lilac point can be super light, or can be almost as dark as a blue point. Some colors are almost impossible to tell apart at young ages and the cats true color will not fully develop until they are at your home and are more mature.

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Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN 55429

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